The New Rules of Marketing: A Blueprint for Brand and Influencer Alignment

In today's crowded digital landscape, brands face an uphill battle captivating their target demographic amidst all the noise. However, savvy companies have begun partnering with a special breed of internet celebrity known as influencers to organically embed their messaging into popular social media channels. This strategic approach, known as influencer marketing, leverages the personal relationships and engagement influencers foster with their loyal followers.

Top marketing company in Los Angeles collaborate thoughtfully with social media influencers which can increase awareness, drive real growth, and create powerful digital word-of-mouth advertising. As influencer marketing continues its meteoric rise, partnering with the right influencers may prove an invaluable strategy for top digital marketing agencies in Los Angeles looking to organically expand their client’s reach.

The Growing Relevance of Influencer Marketing

Over the last decade, internet celebrities, bloggers, and other content creators have rapidly accumulated loyal bands of engaged followers across social platforms. The outsized digital presence these influencers wield has captured the attention of brands and marketers.

In fact, the industry has expanded rapidly as more brands embrace influencer content as a marketing channel. Recent projections suggest the global influencer market will swell into a $13.8 billion dollar industry by the end of 2022.

More tangibly, influencer marketing has also proven its ability to impact key brand metrics. An estimated 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations for purchasing decisions. Additionally, the marketing dollars brands dedicate towards influencers see excellent returns compared to other digital ad spending. On average, businesses generate $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing campaigns.

Clearly, collaborating with digital tastemakers represents an exciting opportunity for brands looking to organically expand their reach. However, finding the right influencer requires careful consideration regarding audience, content style, and overall branding alignment.

Choosing the Best Influencers for Your Brand

The diverse landscape of influencers presents brands with an enormous pool of potential partners. However, settling on the ideal influencers for your brand involves evaluating several key factors:

Follower Demographics - First and foremost, brands must assess whether an influencer’s audience aligns with their target demographic and buyer persona. Pay close attention to not only follower count but audience age, location, gender, and purchasing habits.

Content Style - Make sure the influencer's content approach gels well with your brand’s tone and messaging. Analyze the formats, topics, and overall style they utilize to engage their audience.

Brand Alignment - Vet influencers thoroughly to guarantee alignment with your brand values and avoid potential controversies. Additionally, look for influencers who create content complementing your product or service offering.

Authenticity - Consumers spot disingenuous influencer partnerships from a mile away. Carefully assess how genuinely an influencer can discuss and recommend your brand before establishing a relationship.

The right influencer match depends enormously on your brand’s specific goals and target audience. However, taking the time to thoroughly evaluate potential partners against important criteria will pay dividends through successful campaigns.

Best Practices for Collaborating with Digital Influencers

Once you’ve identified well-suited influencers for collaboration, the real work begins around nurturing the partnership. Topmarketing companies in Los Angeles that narrowly view influencers as simple advertising channels will likely struggle yielding positive results. Instead, approach these collaborations through the lens of a mutually beneficial relationship.

Allow influencers to personally connect with your products for honest, authentic endorsements. Further, take time to familiarize them with your brand history, values, and positioning to fuel informed recommendations.

With these fundamentals established, maintaining open communication, and setting clear expectations provides additional structure. Be forthright about campaign success metrics and requirements around content approvals or branded hashtags early on.

Finally, don’t overly dictate or control the influencer’s creative process. Allow content creators flexibility interpreting your messaging through their unique formats and voice. Find opportunities to co-create content collaboratively for truly differentiated partnerships your audience notices.

Follow these best practices as a basic framework for ensuring your influencer collaborations generate measurable value for your brand.

Boost Brand Awareness Through Strategic Influencer Partnerships

In the right circumstances and with strong execution, influencer marketing represents an unparalleled avenue for raising brand awareness and recognition. However, brands can’t treat these partnerships as passive engagements and expect results.

Put in the work vetting digital creators thoroughly, establish authentic working relationships, and nurture partnerships through ongoing collaboration. Top digital marketing agencies in Los Angeles willing to invest appropriately in influencer marketing will reap exponential benefits amplifying their messaging to new audiences.

At TOP IT Marketing, our team brings deep expertise in coordinating successful influencer campaigns for prominent Los Angeles brands. Our seasoned strategists identify and collaborate with top digital influencers to expand our client’s reach and engagement through viral word of mouth.

Learn more about our holistic digital marketing services by visiting https://topitmarketing.comor request a consultation with our team at (323) 250-3726.
