Content Marketing - Its Connection To Business and Useful Statistics


Recently, in the last two to three years did you check the scenario of content marketing? Well, for starters, it is extremely dynamic. If you want to consistently generate the best outcomes out of your content marketing efforts, you need to change with it.


In this blog, you will get to know some of the content marketing statistics, facts, and trends that would help you modify your strategy for the better. These will provide better insights into the content marketing sector and its future. Content marketing agencies in Los Angeles take such statistics extremely seriously.


A few key content marketing statistics for you


In this part, you will gain some insight into the statistical aspect of the content marketing industry that has been reported by surveys of the State of Content Marketing Global Report (2020-2023).


·         97% of the respondents seemed to achieve success with effective content marketing

·         70% of the most successful content marketing organizations track content marketing ROI

·         77% of organizations that excel at content marketing intend to boost their content marketing spending in 2023

·         55% of blog posts with 7+ photos got more backlinks than those without

·         61% of companies that excel in content marketing conduct content audits at least twice a year

·         70% believe ones containing at least one video received more traffic than ones without videos

·         82% of organizations use content marketing for better marketing

·         79% of the companies and content marketers use content marketing strategy for high-quality lead generation

·         75% content marketers consider SEO as the most efficient tactic

·         61% of content marketers consider updating content to be the best tactic

·         The expense of content marketing is 62% less than traditional marketing

·         Long-form content gets twice the page views as Google’s page ranking algorithm prefers in-depth topic 

·         39% of no-structure blogs are seen to be lower performing than the ones with proper headlines


How does content marketing connect to your business?


Content marketing is the gasoline that propels all other aspects of your company's marketing especially, the three pillars. Hire top-notch Content Marketing Services Los Angeles for gaining effective outcomes.


·         Content marketing and SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) enables you to engage with your target audience organically and directly via search results. It implies that you might create traffic for years to come without spending any further money or resources.


·         Content marketing and social media marketing


For companies, social networking platforms primarily provide a means of forming groups around a common interest. This could pertain to your brand or a pastime, for example. As a result, social media platforms are a fantastic way to share your material. You may then direct visitors to your website.


Simultaneously, these platforms enable you to display advertisements. You may also play around with different sorts of content, addressing specifically the existing customers and potential consumers.


·         Content marketing and advertising


The goal of content marketing is to cultivate an enthusiastic audience and set the framework for conversions. Advertising, on the other hand, aims to grab the target demographic at their most vulnerable. It directs people to the product or service in a promotional manner.


Also, content marketing is inbound. It attracts visitors to your website, blog, and content whereas, advertising is outbound. It disseminates your message to your intended audience.

You will also run advertisements to promote your content. This is a brilliant technique to boost traffic to your website. 


If you think of consulting one of the best Content marketing agencies in Los Angeles, look no further than Top It Marketing Inc. We prepare and provide personalized and effective content marketing strategies for your business such that you can achieve your business and marketing goals soon enough.


If you want to consult us, call us at (323)250-3726 or email us at You can check our other services on our website (
