How User Experience is Important in Website Design

Besides creating an aesthetic design, it is also important to ensure that you provide an intuitive user experience to attain the competitive edge. Read on to know about the importance of user experience in website design.

“Customer is King”; Clichéd, but true!

Catering to the likes and preferences of current and potential customers is the key to business growth and success. And customers today demand an efficient, fast, and easy user experience. So, with the rise in online sales and purchases, creating an outstanding user interface and design is vital to ensure that people keep coming back to the website and not move away. Well, user experience is not the only factor but keeping it in mind from the onset is essential to create a successful website.

Importance of User Experience

So, user experience is integral to web development in Los Angeles. A well-designed website should not only have an aesthetic design but also an enjoyable user experience. User experience is the overall experience a visitor has throughout the buying journey, from the initial contact with the company to post purchase follow-up. It is therefore, recommended to hire a professional web development company Los Angeles that focuses on providing customers with an intuitive user experience.

Read on to understand the importance of user experience in web design.

  • Studies reveal that a well-designed user experience can increase the conversion rate by an attractive 400%. Online competition is tough and multiple companies are offering the same products and services. Optimized usability and accessibility of a website provides the competitive advantage. A good user experience through the buying journey earns brownie points for the company and increases the customer’s willingness to buy, thereby increasing conversion rates, and widening the customer base.
  • An effective user experience design supports the SEO practices and increases rankings on the SERP’s. A user-friendly and well-designed structure is bound to attract more visitors to the website. Moving easily through the buying journey is a win-win for customers. Well, visual design must also be taken into consideration in user experience. A good visual design compels online customers to stay on the website and know more about the company and its product and service offerings.
  • Thanks to the Internet, customers conduct research for a while before trusting a specific company to make a purchase from. Visitors enticed by the positive user experience convert into customers and choose the company offering a better user experience as against its competitors. Credibility and trust result in higher customer retention and loyalty. It is important to remember that consistency in user experience is essential to maintain customer satisfaction in the long term.
  • Considering the importance of user experience in website design, the testing process of user experience at the onset is helpful. Hiring a professional web development company that understands the significance of user experience design is advisable to make the required changes before it is too late. What’s more, restructuring the website later to include an improved user experience is both time-consuming and costly.
  • Finally, a well-designed user experience increases revenue by generating leads, converting them into customers and thus, shows an increase in the sales graph.

The results of a well-designed user experience along with aesthetics in web design have been proven time and again. Experts therefore recommend hiring professionals who understand all aspects of a well-developed and designed website to create a website for the company. Top IT Marketing can help.

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