Why Social Media SEO cannot be Ignored

As a digital marketer, there will always be a dubious situation whether to consider social media in SEO. Social media SEO refers to how social media activities can help improving the organic traffic through search engines on a website. Irrespective of the various debates, the truth is affirmed that social media is important for SEO in a number of ways.

However, does it directly contribute to SEO? No. But the links on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest can help improving the brand's exposure.

Why Google Ignores Social Signals

Google crawl and index the social media pages as well as profile from Twitter,Facebook, LinkedIn but it treats them like a regular HTML page of a website. However, Google doesn’t consider number of shares or followers for ranking because it is very easy to cheat the system and can have an undeserving site get better rank. Additionally, the social media goes on for 24/7 and Google cannot catch up that fast.

Why you should take the Social Media Game Seriously

If you are working with the experts of los angeles seo company, they will tell you take the social media marketing seriously. This is because search engine optimization helps you get and make people reach your website organically. But with social media marketing, you can reach out to the right audience. Basically, both of them have overlapping goals and this is why social networks are turning into valuable search engines. When crafting a, effective social media strategy, there will be a strong SEO plan and here are the three valid reasons why focusing on social media is important to enhance the SEO -

Social Media Content Gets Indexed

If any social media channel regularly publishes any content, it can mark a huge difference to the overall content marketing campaign. However, this should not be mixed with the idea of that every tweet or post makes way to Google’s index. Firstly, it should be relevant and consistent to the search query. Also, social media posts can help you get any website’s content indexed faster because the updated algorithm of search engines allow to treat social media posts as content. When your Facebook or Twitter post gets lot of attention, it will end up getting indexed faster.

Social Media Builds Authority

Website’s authority is a big deciding factor for search engines. If your page or domain can reflect high value, seacrh engines will consider it as high authority which can give it a better chance to rank above the other sites. The authority, however, takes time to grow. With quality content and relevant backlinks, you can improvethe authority. The concept of link-building was different when social media did not exist. But today, there's no way to ignore social media because a considerable amount of it is distributed on social media. With focused and engaging network of social media followers, your content can reach up to relevant places and earn you relevant audience.

Social Media Involves Real People

SEO is a more technical aspect than social media. The experts of seo services los angeles focus on to practice white hat SEO practices but the social media interactions go beyond the technical stuff. This human element helps to get real-world results and create valuable content. With social media coming up at warp speed, you cannot ignore the importance of its contribution in growing the effects of SEO. It allows to segregate your audience and target based on almost teh exact factors that you want.

How Social Media Helps SEO

  • Get More Quality Links
  • Build a Strong Audience or Following
  • Increase the Number of Branded Searches
  • Learn What Your Audience Wants
  • Tap Into Local Search

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